Dankowicz recognized for innovative teaching

7/10/2012 By William Bowman

Professor Harry DankowiczProfessor Harry Dankowicz, a Cannon Faculty Scholar in Mechanical Science and Engineering, has been selected as the recipient of the Collins Award for Innovative Teaching. He will be officially honored at the College of Engineering Faculty Awards Ceremony April 23 in the National Center for Supercomputing Applications auditorium.

Written by By William Bowman

  Harry Dankowicz
Harry Dankowicz
Professor Harry Dankowicz
Professor Harry Dankowicz, a Cannon Faculty Scholar in Mechanical Science and Engineering, has been selected as the recipient of the Collins Award for Innovative Teaching. He will be officially honored at the College of Engineering Faculty Awards Ceremony April 23 in the National Center for Supercomputing Applications auditorium.

“Professor Dankowicz brings a unique perspective and set of skills to teaching the modeling and visualization of complex mechanical systems and their motions," MechSE Department Head Placid Ferriera said.

The Collins award is made possible through the generous donations from W. Leighton Collins, former faculty member (1929-1965) and also former executive director of ASEE (1955-1971). Mr. Collins was a pioneer and leader of ASEE and through his subsequent consulting he has helped shape engineering instruction in the United States.

Professor Dankowicz received his PhD in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from Cornell University in 1995, after getting an M.S.C. in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. After serving on the Virginia Tech faculty from 1999 to 2005, he joined the MechSE faculty at Illinois in 2005.

Professor Dankowicz’s design research has spanned a number of fields, and he continually seeks to provide students opportunities to take on real-world projects rooted in actual engineering design.

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This story was published July 10, 2012.